I believe in times like this, where our WORLD is in crisis, people will experience "Death, Darkness & Rebirth." There will be great loss and suffering of all levels, and effect every single one of us in our own ways. I have experienced those dark moments over and over again in my lifetime! I must have 9 lives, to have survived so many "Rebirths". One thing is for sure, now I can confidently tell you, that after each time of darkness, there is brighter and brighter LIGHT! "This too shall pass!"
You, individually, and "US" as a Community, will come out much stronger after all of the struggles.
It's a little strange that I actually look forward to times like these, NOT because of the moments of Death or Darkness, by ANY means!!!... but because I keep my sights on "The Other Side", ... the Rebirth! and the Light.
It's sad it takes something like this to knock us back into reality, and for some, to dig deep within our Souls and truly find ourselves. But we get completely stripped down, and are quickly reminded of what's important. We become humble and human all over again. We actually RE-CONNECT, to ourselves & to others.
Because I know these moments too well, my whole mission of "#Reset" that I started two years ago, is to encourage others to shift their mindset from Negatives to Positives, during the process. To actually hit the Reset Button, if only because of a moment, or going through a longer period of darkness. To find those quick opportunities to flip the Mental Switch to positive, and shine your own light along the way.
To help others get through the times of adversities, I have put together and shared my #RESET Playlists. They are literally the songs that I sang each step through my - Death to Rebirth - moments (within this past decade).
Because THE WORLD is now going through, -or embracing to go through- the darkness, I am asking if you can each help share a little bit more LIGHT.
My playlists are how I personally "ROCKED MY RESET". However, I would like to expand on them, and hear songs YOU connect to, that gives you either an outlet or motivation. I would like to share a wider variety to reach more hearts during this global time of struggles.
Please check out the pics below to see what the heck I'm talking about. You'll see my Playlists are called: Relate, Unleash, Inspire & Change.
You can simply listen to them for your own connections &/or submit your ideas to share on our website: https://www.bumble-fly.com/playlist
Music is the Universal Language of all mankind, and we look forward to providing further connection. We reach across many Countries and greatly look forward to ALL of your feedback to provide EVERYONE an outlet and motivation!
Thank you for helping to POLLINATE POSITIVE!
Hang in there! The other side is very bright!
- Christine DerOhannesian