Quotes that were spoken to me, during a time that I call my "Spiritual Awakening". (2012)
Why "Bumble-Fly"?
The name and logo of Bumble Fly was derived from my own self discovery and recognition (the Ah-Ha! moment) that it was OK to be BOTH: a free-spirited Butterfly AND a very diligent Bumble Bee.
* Watch the video for my full story!


2 STYLES, 11 Quotes, YELLOW or Grey

pick your style...
Yellow Scoop Neck or Grey V-Neck
select your QUOTE...
Disconnect to Connect
GET LOST... so you can be found
I'll be OK when it's OK to just bee
Admit your weakness to find your strength
Humble to Bumble, Cry to Fly, Laugh to do both
Stop telling me to focus, you're distracting me
You can't fly until you rid the things that clip your wings
Each day was to shape who I will become, but now is my time to BE
When you realize you've finally LOST IS, is when you actually FOUND IT
Open ear - hear tunes, Open heart - hear melody, Awake soul - hear Symphony!
To reach greatness, it's not only the effort to improve, it's the openness to evolve
We've unlocked The Vault!

#RESET is all about that split second moment, to flip your switch to turn on your own light, and force your negatives into positives. Our message is to SHIFT your mindset and SHARE your story, to help cultivate the positive and give your experiences purpose.
The Collection
Determine which #RESET truly resonates with you! The apparel offers the following shift of mindsets: Struggles to Strength, Battles to Blessings, Wounded to Warrior, Attitude to Gratitude or Popularity to Purpose.
I explain more of how your mindset is really a matter of "your OWN perspective", with my example of seeking purpose over popularity in my video!

8 STYLES, 5 Quotes, Black, WHite or Grey
pick your style...
T-Shirt, Long Sleeve T, Hoodie, or Tank
select your quote...
Struggles to Strength, Battles to Blessings,
Wounded to Warrior, Attitude to Gratitude, Popularity to Purpose
Rock your reset!